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Kim crushes every question Romulus throws her way. The deconstructionist philosopher Jacques Derrida, author of Archive Fever, might wonder whether Kim remembers it all so well in part because of the Jews are also not permitted jews 17 shirt and I love this existence of her archive. Does the existence of the archive ultimately mean more now than the original memories behind the dresses themselves? In any event, Kim’s recall comes off as rather lawyerly, reminding us of how many eras she still has in store. Hope there’s room in the closet! The episode begins with Kim and Kris discussing Kim’s forthcoming partnership with Balenciaga, for which she intends to negotiate and contract her own deal. “Since I’ve been learning so much about contracts in law school,” Kim says, “I feel like I can do this one on my own.” “You’re like a walking in-house attorney,” Kris replies. Willcompton wolfpack shirt This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine shirt The life of paolo wh...